Damn Vaniel

Cook all the meals. Eat all the food. Save all the money.

It’s been over a year since we left Seattle and started living in a van full-time. That’s A LOT of meals, especially when you consider the fact that we try to cook as much as possible in order to keep costs down. We also try to keep it healthy. As such, a little creativity goes a long way. We have a few staples, namely breakfast burritos, smoothies, pasta, and sausages. So far, nothing’s gotten old.

Chia pudding with fresh berries and nuts for breakfast

Our go-to snack is a fresh made smoothie and our recipe has yet to change in a year. It’s a great way to absorb a lot of nutrients at one time.

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For “real meals”, having only two burners to work with has yet to be an issue. Not once have we wished for a microwave or a toaster oven (and both would draw a lot of power). I wish for an actual freezer every now and then, but that’s just so I could have an ice cream stash. Probably for the better *sigh*.

Welcome to our fridge (yes, we need to defrost it).

We use all of our leftovers and rarely waste food. This morning, Colin made a sweet potato, asparagus, onion, and feta breakfast burrito. It was phenomenal. If there’s anybody who can make a bunch of random leftovers into something, it’s Colin C. Thompson.

Chicken salad sandwich (or wrap) with pecans and grapes

As you can see, lots of simple, healthy options across the board. Of course, there was that time we bought a fresh loaf of bread for 50 cents and then we ate grilled cheese three days in a row. It was SPECTACULAR. We even got fancy on Day Two with caramelized onions and basil. What a wonderful life. 🙂