Damn Vaniel

About Us


Besides two crazy kids in love? Well let’s see…

COLIN: The brains behind vanliving. Hales from the SW suburbs of Chicago. Went to Bradley University, studied Business and Construction. Lived next door to some girl his Senior year, hung out with her porch drinking. Graduated and entered the working world. Moved to Colorado in December 2012, got stoked on the outdoor life and climbing and started to cultivate this plan of living in a van. Eventually made his way to Seattle in 2015.

LISA: Travel lover & pseudo writer. Hales from the NW suburbs of Chicago. Went to Bradley University, studied Business Computer Systems. Lived next door to some hilarious guy her Senior year, took him to a dance. Graduated and reluctantly entered the working world. Quit her job in 2013 and traveled the world for three months with her identical twin. Reluctantly reentered the working world and eventually made her way to Seattle in February 2014.

REUNION: The long (and awesome!) story is for another time, but long story short, we reconnected in Seattle in April 2016 and the rest is history!