Damn Vaniel

Adulting in Utah

7 months ago, we were flying fast and loose. We had zero commitments. Zero.


If living in 86 square feet together for over 2 years in Vaniel didn’t prove that we’re the best couple ever, then by god, this will. You disagree? Come at me, bro.

Moving South

So. Why Utah? We’ve heard that a time or two so it’s time to come clean and tell you all about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and how it can change your life. Just kidding. 🙂 With that said, we have met a large handful of these wonderful people and what you’ve heard is true, they’re the nicest people ever with the cleanest mouths. (I’m sure my mom will be most pleased if some of that rubs off on yours truly).

So, why Utah.

If the rubber chickens alone don’t sell you on Utah, you should reassess your priorities. Or look at all the outdoor recreation.

And there you have it. SURPRISE! We moved to Utah. We already signed up at a sweet local climbing gym, visited IKEA, picked up our library cards, bought a bed, and took all of 20 minutes to unload our belongings into our new home, so I guess we’re residents now. And adults.